Projects in the queue

  • 8-ball tournaments
  • Custom Pool Cue

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Escalating drills on the pool table

There is one pool drill that I have been doing off and on since I got back to the game.  It all started when I took a lesson, and the instructor told me to (as a practice drill on my own) spread out three balls on the table and run them out.  He wanted me to be able to do this 10 times in a row.  It was harder than it looked, even with starting the drill with ball-in-hand.

When I was finally able to do it, I modified the drill to make it so that I had to run the balls in order.  I would use the 7,8, and 9 balls and run them out like the end of a 9-ball game.  I got to where I could do this three times out of four, so I moved up to a four-ball sequence, breaking up the 6-7-8-9 and then getting ball-in-hand and trying to run out.  If any balls went in on the break, they could be spotted on either spot.  I wanted to keep doing this drill until I could run them four times out of seven.

This took MONTHS.  Several times I got close, running the balls three times out of seven, but for the longest time I could not get over the hump.  Finally, though, last month I made a breakthrough.  I was able to run all four balls four times in a ROW.  So, the same night, I tried to run five in a row, and managed to do THAT five times out of seven!

So, I have raised this drill to the next level.  Now, when I practice it, I break up the 4-5-6-7-8-9 and then give myself ball-in-hand and try to run out.  My goal is to do it six out of eleven times.  So far the best I have done is two out of eight, so I have a ways to go.  It takes a LOT of concentration, and there is a feeling of satisfaction each time I DO manage to do it successfully.

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