I finished the pens that I made for co-workers, and they came out pretty well! I think that I am finally gaining SOME expertise in this area:

It is kind of hard to tell from these photos, but the finish on all of these was really nice, and the cocobolo ones especially had some really nice grain!
I actually kept my Woodcraft trips down, but that was mainly because I was out of town for the second half of the month. I think December was actually a PLUS month for the finances, which is a nice way to end the year. I had income from the pens that I sold. More on that at the end of the post.
While out in LA during the third week of December, I had occasion to see my uncle for the first time in over 2 years. I showed him some of my pens (my stock was somewhat depleted) and he was pretty impressed. I had actually planned to make him a pen before heading out, but weather issues (a snowstorm changed my flight plans) made it so that I did not have the time. I sent him some links, though, and I will make him a pen soon.
I also have to send out my first fountain pen to a friend in Chicago. Just because I have not sent it yet does not mean that it will go to anyone else. :-)
As I mentioned in an earlier post, the fact that I have this hobby seems to make me easier to shop for during the holiday season. I received some very nice gifts, including: a book on pen turning, some pen blanks of nice burl, a piece of tulipwood that can be used for wine stoppers or eggs (more on the egg thing in a moment), and some small turning tools.
I also received a gift card for Woodcraft, which I am going to use to buy a stand for my lathe. By doing this, I will open up bench space that I can use to lay out my kits and my wood. This will let me better organize my projects. I will also rearrange the placement of the benches and tools and storage within the garage/woodshop. The lathe stand is supposed to be in stock next week sometime, so I am taking a bit of a break from turning until I get the stand. I do not want to be in the middle of a project when I start to move everything around.
Now, what is all of this talk about eggs? Well, one of the books I got for the holidays describes how to turn ornaments and eggs. Wooden eggs actually look pretty cool. Also, you can make kaleidescopes that are egg shaped. I bought myself one of the kits to do just that.
You can turn the eggs on the mandrel that is used for the pens and pencils.
My goals for 2008 include turning pens that I can sell at a shop or something, and also turning a successful winestopper and a successful egg. If I can do an ornament, so much the better. :-)
To tally up as best I can for 2007, in terms of cost:
Previously: Out of pocket $242.47, Total: $341.56
Expenses: 43.67 on kits, 2.50 on wood
Income (!): $135 for the five pens I made for co-workers
End 2007:
Out of pocket $153.64, Total: $252.73
I also bought myself $60 in gift certificates for $50, but when I use them I will just count it all as out of pocket. There were some kits and blanks I got at Lee Valley in Ottawa, but as those are being paid for out of a different account, I am leaving that alone.
So far in 2008: Out of pocket: $14.59, Total: $14.59
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