Projects in the queue
- 8-ball tournaments
- Custom Pool Cue
The true start of Shakey le Tree Designs!
Well, yesterday my sister took the 10 broker pens (well, okay, 9, since there was a really nice one that I gave just to her) to give to her colleagues, and they went over really well. For the first time, the pens were accompanied by small cards with the Shakey le Tree Designs logo and an explanation of the wood that was used for the pen. The cards also contained a new email address that I created just for correspondence related to the pens and such: Now I need to update the Swordmoon site to include a link to some sort of page showing the pens I have made and what I can do.
OK, well, it is a blurry picture, but I had to put in the logo. The logo itself was beautifully created by my wife.
Shakey le Tree exists! While I have not incorporated, or even copyrighted the name (I am not even sure how to do so), I have cards that go with each of the pens that I have made. Today we gave one to our chiropractor, Dr. Mike. Yesterday, I gave the combination pen/pencil to a co-worker who might be ordering pens for the holidays.
Combined with the fact that I made another really cool pen out of the piece of cocobolo that I recently bought, I am getting really excited about this. While I know that it will never actually MAKE money, it might be something which, down the line, could pay for itself. At least in terms of the materials used to make the pens.
The latest pen:

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